
Choi Young Soo of popular children's show 'Boni Hani' fired over aggressive action towards 15 year old co-star


Article: 'Bonihani' Choi Young Soo, punching 15 year old Chaeyeon? Criticisms rain

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Nate

1. [+4,658, -83] Wow... that's super savage;

2. [+4,257, -94] That's so severe ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+3,715, -84] Hul..

4. [+614, -6] My children love this show so I watch it too and I can't believe he did that on a live broadcast... to a kid who's 20 years younger than him. I felt bad for Hani when she was awkwardly rubbing her arm in surprise while still smiling.

5. [+593, -9] You can tell by the way he shrugs her off and the speed at which he moves that he's serious. I don't get how close you are, that's just not something you do to a kid who's only 15 years old.

6. [+521, -7] Hani.. looked really shocked, I can feel the awkwardness of the situation from here. It doesn't look like it was a joke at all, a line was crossed. A clarification must be given.

7. [+497, -5] Look at that facial expression, that's not normal at all...

8. [+480, -8] To all of the comments assuming it must've been a joke... it's only a joke if the receiving party considers it one. This is not how a man 20 years older than a kid should be behaving.

9. [+460, -34] That's definitely a full swing. The producers defending him are Korean men, he's a Korean man... all these Korean men defending each other.

10. [+330, -4] Even if it was a joke, it looked threatening. This is a TV show for kids so it's ridiculous to me that he did it on a live broadcast.


Article: [Exclusive] 'Bonihani' Choi Young Soo, "I did not hit her at all... I'm more worried about Chaeyeon getting hurt"

Source: SpoTV News via Nate

1. [+1,282, -95] Yeah, yeah, whatever, is it a coincidence that the screen was covered right as you were about to hit her? Even so, the problem remains that you even looked like you were threatening to hit her so please leave the show, including the producers.

2. [+1,209, -104] Oh shut up, you were already looking violent when you were shoving her away

3. [+1,018, -94] A man in his thirties and a teen girl should not be "that close" anyway. Keep this ajusshi off of TV, gross.

4. [+109, -3] I saw the clip, too... It didn't look like he hit her but there was definitely an agressive look to his face and the way he was moving. Even if it was a joke, that's quite a dangerous joke to be playing on someone 20 years younger than you.

5. [+107, -2] After watching the clip, I don't think it's important whether he actually hit her or not. The physical act of threatening her was enough to deem inappropriate for kids to be watching... It was quite shocking as an adult to watch, too...

6. [+102, -2] A proper adult would admit to his fault, apologize, and ask for forgiveness

7. [+70, -0] If you're so adamant that you didn't hit her, then ask the producers to release a clip from another angle. You can give all the interviews you want, no one's going to believe you, especially with the other leaks going around like you bad mouthing other staff.

8. [+62, -2] If it was just a joke, please don't play jokes like that on children. Not even on adults.

9. [+56, -0] But the girl looked like she was hit in the arm because she grabbed it

10. [+43, -1] Aigoo, ajusshi. What ajusshi in the world would treat someone old enough to be their daughter like that??? So aggressively?


Article: Choi Young Soo and Park Dong Geun to leave 'Bonihani'... EBS CEO "We feel responsible"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+3,376, -46] He should've been reported to the police. She's a minor. The PD of this show should be reprimanded as well for all the lies.

2. [+2,745, -42] Good decision, CEO-nim

3. [+2,604, -40] Yeah, they both need to go. What could children learn from them?

4. [+257, -2] The PD should quit, too. He called the whole thing a joke ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+214, -2] I'm more shocked that no one knew he was like this until it got to this point


Source: Naver

1. [+8,897, -106] #1 Choi Young Soo assaulted a minor #2 Park Dong Geun described a minor as a "b*tch who sterilized herself with Listerine (normally a descriptor for pr*stitutes) + choked Hani + when Hani put her face up against a water bottle, he squeezed it into her face) + there are posts going around of screencaps of gagmen putting their fingers in Hani's mouth. This is a TV show that all children watch and yet the PDs are trying to protect these guys by burying all their scandals and running other shows on the broadcast right now, tsk tsk.

2. [+7,876, -44] That was no joke

3. [+5,692, -20] From assault to speaking out of line on a children's show... I'm scared that children actually watched this

4. [+4,541, -748] Another day, another Korean man

5. [+2,341, -26] From now on, celebrities need to go through rigorous background checks. We need to start filtering out people who aren't even human yet.


Article: 'Bonihani' reps, "Choi Young Soo did not assault Chaeyeon... we'll make sure to watch out for over the top jokes"

Source: Ilgan Sports via Naver

1. [+5,392, -40] How educational for a children's educational show to be claiming that a man in his thirties threatening to hit a teenage girl is just "a joke"

2. [+2,779, -16] So EBS is treating violence as a joke now. I'm sure your children are learning lots from watching.

3. [+1,411, -17] Please, don't make me laugh. What was that clip, then? Even if Hani came out and said it didn't bother her, it'll only sound like you guys forced her to say that.

4. [+1,087, -22] He's just trash. None of how he was looking or acting looked like a joke.

5. [+388, -3] Please don't use Hani's pictures for these articles, use the actual attacker's.


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