Article: A Pink Son Naeun criticizes 'Gayo Festival', "I'm sorry we couldn't show you our stage until the end, we ask for fairer treatment"
Source: X Sports News via Nate
1. [+599, -33] The comments here are not getting it. A Pink never asked for special treatment, they simply asked to be able to perform their stage in the time they were promised. Isn't that fair? Why would KBS just cut them off in the middle of their stage? It was so random that even a staff on set thought that it was on accident ㅋㅋㅋ
2. [+570, -27] KBS, you thugs, don't be like this
3. [+513, -24] Apparently they didn't even get to
rehearse... that's really unfair. KBS was just a mess all around this year.
4. [+60, -1] They should be allowed to finish their stage.. Even I thought it was ridiculous when they were cut
5. [+58, -1] No wonder, I had a feeling the ending was weird ㅋㅋㅋ If you invited groups to perform, you should be giving them the treatment they deserve. Why would you invite more teams than you can handle?
6. [+48, -4] She's right.. she's allowed to ask for fair treatment.. not sure why the comments are hating on her
7. [+44, -1] I agree with her 100%, KBS should reflect over this. Son Naeun fighting ㅋㅋ
8. [+40, -6] No wonder... and why were there so many covers of SM's old songs, they're totally ignoring all the mid agencies ㅡㅡ so tired of these big agency concerts
9. [+37, -0] The camera work was also a mess, it was to the point where I had no idea if the cameras wanted us to watch the singers at all... Looks like the actual artists were treated worse. KBS as always with their old farts running it.
10. [+32, -23] BTS sang 5 songs and A Pink themselves are 9 years in, they're not a rookie group. It makes no sense to cut them after barely performing one full song. I understand that BTS has a lot of fans and that they're the trend but it's wrong to discriminate treatment like this. KBS and whoever was in charge of the stage planning should apologize for this.
11. [+32, -1] Why are KBS and SBS such idiots...
12. [+28, -14] Not sure why BTS is being blamed in this article when it's KBS' fault. Did BTS ever ask to abuse their power? Did BTS and their fans ever whine for more stage time? Did BTS ever cause controversy for not performing their fullest on stage? BTS did everything they can to rehearse hard and dance while singing live for this stage.
13. [+28, -6] Park Chorong cried on her V app, I felt bad for her...
4. [+60, -1] They should be allowed to finish their stage.. Even I thought it was ridiculous when they were cut
5. [+58, -1] No wonder, I had a feeling the ending was weird ㅋㅋㅋ If you invited groups to perform, you should be giving them the treatment they deserve. Why would you invite more teams than you can handle?
6. [+48, -4] She's right.. she's allowed to ask for fair treatment.. not sure why the comments are hating on her
7. [+44, -1] I agree with her 100%, KBS should reflect over this. Son Naeun fighting ㅋㅋ
8. [+40, -6] No wonder... and why were there so many covers of SM's old songs, they're totally ignoring all the mid agencies ㅡㅡ so tired of these big agency concerts
9. [+37, -0] The camera work was also a mess, it was to the point where I had no idea if the cameras wanted us to watch the singers at all... Looks like the actual artists were treated worse. KBS as always with their old farts running it.
10. [+32, -23] BTS sang 5 songs and A Pink themselves are 9 years in, they're not a rookie group. It makes no sense to cut them after barely performing one full song. I understand that BTS has a lot of fans and that they're the trend but it's wrong to discriminate treatment like this. KBS and whoever was in charge of the stage planning should apologize for this.
11. [+32, -1] Why are KBS and SBS such idiots...
12. [+28, -14] Not sure why BTS is being blamed in this article when it's KBS' fault. Did BTS ever ask to abuse their power? Did BTS and their fans ever whine for more stage time? Did BTS ever cause controversy for not performing their fullest on stage? BTS did everything they can to rehearse hard and dance while singing live for this stage.
13. [+28, -6] Park Chorong cried on her V app, I felt bad for her...