
Prosecutors demand 7, 5, and 10 years of jail for Jung Jun Young, Choi Jonghoon, and Yuri's brother

Article: Prosecutors demand 7 years of jail for Jung Jun Young... "I am morally sorry"

Source: Yonhap News via Nate

1. [+3,495, -43] If they're demanding 7 years, then he's going to get at least 3 years ㅋㅋ farewell, you trash

2. [+3,415, -35] As if sexually assaulting someone wasn't bad enough, he filmed it, and as if filming it wasn't bad enough, he shared it illegally... that's a really short sentence for a crime like that. Punishments for sex crimes in this country really make me swear... I hope they end up having to serve more years than this...

3. [+605, -8] He's a celebrity so he can be used as a precedent. Go hard on the sentencing. Think of all the women who are unable to overcome their pain because of this one person. Ridiculed by sexual assault, their human rights trampled all over... Ask yourself if this happened to your own unni, dongsaeng, nuna, relative, mom, or friend, could you sentence such a short amount of years too?

4. [+188, -2] How are Seungri and Yang Hyun Suk not a part of this...? Is this just a difference in whether you have the White House backing you or not?

5. [+154, -2] But how bad were Yuri oppa's crimes that he's being demanded the highest sentence of them all at 10 years?

6. [+147, -0] However many years they demand doesn't matter, it's what they actually end up being sentenced. He can easily just hire an expensive lawyer and take it all the way to supreme court. I really hope they don't lessen the years, though. As a public figure, how could you gang r*pe someone?

7. [+129, -0] If Burning Sun never happened, he'd probably still be on '1N2D' giggling and laughing all this time...? Goosebumps... and I can't believe it's been a year since Burning Sun and nothing has come of it ㅠ

8. [+114, -1] So Seungri has connections and these guys don't?

9. [+66, -4] But what will they be sentenced....;;

10. [+49, -3] Shouldn't we be sentencing Seungri before these guys? Why is the law going backwards~~~~


Article: Jung Jun Young demanded 7 years, Kwon-ssi demanded 10, "I passed my crime to my dongsaeng who's a public figure"

Source: Joongang Ilbo via Nate

1. [+1,655, -15] Nono, you should not be apologizing to your dongsaeng or your mother but to the women you dropped to nothing but a prop in relieving your sexual desires. Do we still have to tell you that??

2. [+1,611, -9] Obviously they're all trash but how big of a mess is Yuri's oppa that he's being demanded the longest sentence? tsk tsk

3. [+1,311, -16] Yuri probably doesn't want to see her brother for the rest of her life. This not only tainted her image but it'll follow her for the rest of her life. Anyone who searches her name will see his name in the related searches.

4. [+114, -1] Kwon-ssi, why are you sorry to your dongsaeng for? Unless you shared her with your friends too? You should be apologizing to the women you r*ped, you piece of trash.

5. [+112, -1] A 10 year demand must mean he did a huge, huge crime... How do you use your dongsaeng's fame for sex crimes? He's no brother, he's her enemy.

6. [+112, -1] Wait, he has a fiance too? Oh my...

7. [+107, -3] Ew, he had a fiance?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Gross. And why is Seungri's stuff so quiet lately?

8. [+85, -1] The women you did heinous things to are probably someone's dongsaeng as well

9. [+77, -1] He's more prioritized with apologizing to his dongsaeng than his own crimes. He has a long way to go.

10. [+74, -1] He's engaged? Wow...


Article: Yuri's brother Kwon-ssi, demanded 10 year sentence... "I made my dongsaeng share my crime"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,125, -62] Daeeeeeeeebak, is it real life that he's being demanded a longer sentence than even Jung Jun Young...

2. [+1,039, -60] He must be worse than Jung Jun Young

3. [+721, -6] For the people who didn't read what's going on in the court, Jung Jun Young and Choi Jonghoon managed to reach a settlement with their victims so their years were lowered whereas Kwon and Heo weren't able to reach a settlement which is why their years are higher than the former two. Kwon-ssi also has a marijuana charge, so..

4. [+80, -3] Seems like Jung Jun Young and Choi Jonghoon were rich enough to pay their victims off a ton, which is unfair because they're all accomplices and should be receiving the same sentences but it's the other two who aren't celebrities who are getting higher sentences in the end.

5. [+47, -8] Some people are just not meant to be fixed

6. [+34, -3] How did he do all that while engaged? I'm glad his fiance found out before they got married at least. It would've been so much more shocking if they had gotten married and had kids.

7. [+33, -1] Hul~~ he was engaged?

8. [+29, -5] Seeing as how people have exiled Han Hyo Joo, Yuri's going to get exiled even harder

9. [+23, -0] Seriously, wow ㅋㅋㅋ I wonder if Yuri's going to get hate for this too, especially when Han Hyo Joo is still getting hate right now

10. [+22, -1] How does an engaged man do all this??


Source: Naver

1. [+8,929, -43] What's Seungri up to ㅋㅋ

2. [+5,136, -75] These punishments are so short. They're basically r*pists but they're barely going to get 10 years in jail ㅋㅋ

3. [+4,723, -38] And what about Seungri??? And Yang Hyun Suk??????

4. [+3,094, -36] What about the lead star Seungri ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+2,706, -27] Choi Jonghoon's lawyer defended, "Although it's true that he lived a life of debauchery, he never participated in the gang r*pes and is not a person capable of such things either. Please look over his records and rule him innocent." ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ For someone begging to be let off, this is such a pathetic excuse, no?

6. [+837, -9] My friend works at a golf resort in Jeju island and he saw Seungri, Park Han Byul, and Park Han Byul's husband golfing together there 3 days ago

7. [+637, -2] Jo Doo Soon only got 12 years, what do you expect from this country?

8. [+458, -9] Seungri was basically the ringleader for this whole thing so why isn't he right there with him? Who's protecting him?


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