Article: A-ssi, "Crayon Pop Ellin's lies on her stream... ridiculous, it makes me angry"
Source: X Sports News via Nate
1. [+2,816, -80] The only way for Ellin to end this on a clean note is for her to just return the money ㅋㅋ but she refuses, hasn't even brought up the possibility ㅋㅋ
2. [+2,628, -67] Just return the money and end it here
3. [+2,089, -108] The frantic desperation of a fool vs the biggest gold digger ever
4. [+164, -10] Return the billion won and put an end to this
5. [+126, -3] Everyone knew her clarifications were lies. It's obvious she gave him her personal phone number because she wanted to get some things out of him.
6. [+119, -7] The man's pathetic but she's a bigger piece of trash than he is
7. [+105, -3] All of this would be over if she just gave it back
8. [+93, -2] If she's so mad about all of this, then give back all the presents and money~~~~~~~~~~~
9. [+83, -4] There's just something about physiognomy that rings so true. Your character and the way you live your life is reflected on the features of your face.
10. [+67, -8] I don't get why people are making fun of the man. Yes, he's a fool... but how could you not be one when your favorite streamer is contacting you privately and acting like she's in love with you? No one would give presents worth thousands to someone they only cisdered a dongsaeng. Any normal woman would decline those gifts if she didn't reciproate the feelings.
11. [+63, -1] I understand why he's mad, she's basically saying she did nothing but he kept giving her money so she didn't scam him
12. [+55, -3] Ellin is never going to understand what the public is saying. Anyone with a normal mindset would have either declined the money or returned it after accepting it. Did she really think a stranger was going her a billion won without wanting anything in return????? Makes no sense... If she didn't want to reciproate, then she should've returned the money. It's ridiculous that she's making up all these excuses while refusing to give the money back...