
Choiza writes a post promising to cherish Sulli's memories


Article: Choiza, "I miss you... I'll cherish our memories"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+5,085, -294] It probably wasn't easy for him to post something like this ㅠㅠ find strength, Choiza

2. [+4,965, -251] I'm sure he's taking this really hard too

3. [+4,187, -236] I can't imagine his suffering.. you can tell from his words. Let's please stop writing hate comments.

4. [+330, -43] Whether Choiza caused Sulli to get more hate or not, it remains true that they dated for a very long time and that he was someone Sulli chose because she liked. No matter how upset we feel over Sulli's death, could it ever be as big as the pain someone who loved her, held her hand, and spent time with her could feel? We have no right to hate on him or even view him negatively.

5. [+283, -31] The irony of the entire world liking her the minute she left this earth

6. [+244, -69] IU gifted Sulli a very pretty song titled 'Peach' while Choiza wrote a song called 'Eat, Do It, Sleep' while they were lovers. The love that IU and Choiza felt towards Sulli was very different.

7. [+211, -23] So then why did he write such a vulgar song and put her in such an awkward position? I don't think any man who read the lyrics to that song would consider Choiza a decent man.

8. [+195, -15] Seems like most people who date hip hop stars end up a little weird... Han Ye Seul's vibe has changed as well. I won't normalize that theory but you have to admit that hip hop stars aren't the cleanest people.

9. [+164, -32] He's at least somewhat responsible for writing a song like that about his girlfriend. You have to admit that song was purely to show her off and garner her hate.

10. [+153, -42] Enough with the hate on Choiza. He at least loved her and is probably the saddest out of all of us.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,138, -200] Is there any reason to hate him...

2. [+1,660, -61] He's probably the most shocked of them all... whether their relationship ended on a negative or positive note, they still shared feelings at one point...

3. [+950, -190] If he truly loved her as a partner, I don't think he could've ever released a song with those lyrics. I was horrified when I read the lyrics. She probably dated a man 15 years her senior hoping for him to be like her father and yet she was the one who had to suffer all the finger pointing after they broke up. That song was the icing on the cake.

4. [+923, -401] Even if Choiza isn't fully to blame, you have to admit that he was the beginning of the end for her... from the wallet to that song to the attitude he showed on TV... The memories that he speaks of "cherishing" are only worth cherishing because he's the only one left to speak of them that way, I suppose.

5. [+308, -19] I honestly don't see him in a positive light. Age is but a number but he still seduced a minor when he was in his thirties. He knew what his name implied and what kind of sexual harassment Sulli was suffering because of it... Maybe things would've been better if they had gotten married but their break up only put a target on Sulli's back. I seriously don't understand why he even wrote that song... Either way, I've never left a hate comment on Choiza and don't intend to, since only those two will ever know what it was like between themselves. I just sincerely hope that he was someone good to Sulli and that he truly did love her.



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