
'Vagabond' kicks off its pilot episode

Article: 'Vagabond' Bae Suzy the black NIS personnel pretends to be an embassy intern

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+1,346, -182] Her acting, seriously...... sigh...... does she have any shame? She really thinks she deserves to call herself an actress? Why in the world do producers continue to skip over talented actors to cast idols instead? What's the reason? Do they think the public is that dumb? No matter how popular Suzy is, the public isn't going to watch if her acting is bad. Not even her fans. It's pathetic that producers aren't more focused on casting good actors and are instead worried about drumming up hype using fame, sigh....... Try to retort my points if you disagree. Hate comment? What about my comment is hate? Tell me.

2. [+1,086, -32] How many parts did they split one episode into? And two ads in the middle too. Totally ruins the focus of the drama.

3. [+961, -24] But why did they split it into three parts?

4. [+279, -203] She's really pretty

5. [+239, -81] What is she going to do about her acting...

6. [+172, -65] So boring... the lead's acting is so... ㅠㅠ

7. [+158, -50] Her acting is intern level too...

8. [+154, -28] To the comments saying Suzy is good at acting... are you guys sane?

9. [+151, -42] Where did her acting improve? I had to change the channel because her acting made me sigh.

10. [+141, -30] Her voice itself just wasn't meant for acting

11. [+136, -31] How much is she being paid for this? ㅋㅋㅋ Just being passable should not be the standard, she should be good at it

12. [+118, -36] Suzy is so damn bad at acting


Source: Nate

1. [+914, -71] Who cares if she's pretty, do you really think her acting is good?

2. [+906,
-69] The screencaps alone look awkward

3. [+524, -25] The ads are so distracting ㅡㅡ

4. [+89, -7] Her acting was so awkward in the previews alone... she's an NIS agent and yet has no charisma at all ㅠ

5. [+77, -10] Seung Gi's acting is cringe and Suzy's acting is... how do I say this... like watching really pretty diarrhea

6. [+75, -8] ㅋㅋㅋ How do you cast a former singer in a drama that's supposed to be blockbuster tier? Can we please keep the leads to actual actors from now on? Do people not realize why 'Descendants of the Sun' was as successful as it was? These two just don't have any depth to their acting... this is a flop!

7. [+70, -8] Seung Gi-ya, please don't shoot another drama with Suzy again ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I have not enjoyed one drama with her in it. She always gets paired with decent male leads but she ruins the rest of it. Her acting hasn't changed one bit since that one she did with Gong Yoo a long time ago. I just can't stand to watch her.

8. [+67, -5] Enough with casting Suzy. She has always sent her male co-stars to the grave.


Source: Naver

1. [+2,276, -280] The action was daebak

2. [+2,020, -159] I personally thought the direction, acting, and concentration was great despite it being a pilot episode! If I had to say one thing... I don't like that it was split into three parts because of the ads!

3. [+1,385, -229] It really pulled me in... an hour went by so fast. I cried right along with Lee Seung Gi when he was sobbing, he's so good at acting ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+1,034, -87] Wow, the hour went by so fast, but the ads...

5. [+800, -117] So damn good...

6. [+405, -28] It was fun.. but the ads are too much. I don't get how they could play an ad right after Lee Seung Gi's sobbing scene.

7. [+434, -58] It felt like watching a movie... Aside from Cha Dalgun, they all seemed like suspicious characters.

8. [+566, -214] Suzy's acting was good, Lee Seung Gi's acting was good, the action was daebak, the quality was daebak... damn fun...

9. [+411, -78] The hour felt like 10 minutes with how intensely it drew you in. Lee Seung Gi's action scenes were great and SUzy's acting was natural, daebak!

10. [+337, -61] Finally a drama worth watching on public broadcast ^^


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