It's ok if you use them or if you're not but there's always kids posting these kind of memes ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋthe kids discriminating others because of Airpods seem to be even more like losers.. just why would you upload this?

Yellow: Did you guys hear about this? There are still losers who don't have Airpods
Blue: No way...
Pink: That's right, it's a lie... nobody is like that

Yellow: Did you guys hear about this? There are still losers who don't have Airpods
Blue: No way...
Pink: That's right, it's a lie... nobody is like that
post response:
center;">original post: here
1. [+281, -5]
The kids with low self-esteem are the ones who will care but those with self-esteem won't even give a f*ck
2. [+233, -44]
Am I the only one who prefers earphones?.. I'm a s*cker for emotional auras so I like the feeling of having your earphones on while taking the bus.. ㅠㅠ I get that Airpods can be more comfortable for every day life but personally, I prefer earphones
3. [+108, -12]
I find people who look at who has strings on their earphones or not f*cking nosy... Even though I'm using Airpods right now
4. [+97, -4]
To be honest, anyone can easily gather up 200$;; just save up a bit or work a bit at a part-time job and you'll be able to afford it ㅋㅋ.. I just don't have any interest in getting Airpods and there are other things I want to buy with my money. These f*ckers who are not even rich pretend like 200$ is some big deal. It's not like it was 2,000$ ㅠ
5. [+67, -4]
People who use Airpods = normal. People who use earphones = normal. People who have inferiority complex because they are getting hated = not normal. People who flex on their Airpods = not normal
1. [+281, -5]
The kids with low self-esteem are the ones who will care but those with self-esteem won't even give a f*ck
2. [+233, -44]
Am I the only one who prefers earphones?.. I'm a s*cker for emotional auras so I like the feeling of having your earphones on while taking the bus.. ㅠㅠ I get that Airpods can be more comfortable for every day life but personally, I prefer earphones
3. [+108, -12]
I find people who look at who has strings on their earphones or not f*cking nosy... Even though I'm using Airpods right now
4. [+97, -4]
To be honest, anyone can easily gather up 200$;; just save up a bit or work a bit at a part-time job and you'll be able to afford it ㅋㅋ.. I just don't have any interest in getting Airpods and there are other things I want to buy with my money. These f*ckers who are not even rich pretend like 200$ is some big deal. It's not like it was 2,000$ ㅠ
5. [+67, -4]
People who use Airpods = normal. People who use earphones = normal. People who have inferiority complex because they are getting hated = not normal. People who flex on their Airpods = not normal