T/N: "short hair" is usually referred to a "short bob"
I have exactly Sulli's hair right now. I don't find drying my hair to be a pain in the ass and it's not like I'm sick of my hair but I just want to try having short hair. When I was in my 3rd year of elementary school, I cut my hair and had long hair since then. Have you guys ever regretted cutting your hair?
I have exactly Sulli's hair right now. I don't find drying my hair to be a pain in the ass and it's not like I'm sick of my hair but I just want to try having short hair. When I was in my 3rd year of elementary school, I cut my hair and had long hair since then. Have you guys ever regretted cutting your hair?

1. [+220, -4]
When you cut your hair short, it's fine at first but it's the time it takes to grow your hair out that's the most painful...;;
2. [+155, -1]
I was satisfied when I cut it but the process of growing it back was too painful
3. [+120, -11]
I f*cking regretted it. Even my clothes looked prettier on when I had long hair
4. [+58, -0]
It's not that I caught the short hair disease that I keep cutting my hair, it's just that I can't stand looking like a homeless person...
5. [+57, -31]
I did a short cut and it's freaking comfortable
original post: here
1. [+220, -4]
When you cut your hair short, it's fine at first but it's the time it takes to grow your hair out that's the most painful...;;
2. [+155, -1]
I was satisfied when I cut it but the process of growing it back was too painful
3. [+120, -11]
I f*cking regretted it. Even my clothes looked prettier on when I had long hair
4. [+58, -0]
It's not that I caught the short hair disease that I keep cutting my hair, it's just that I can't stand looking like a homeless person...
5. [+57, -31]
I did a short cut and it's freaking comfortable