Lee Jinhyuk and Peak were having a fan meeting in Thailand and they were doing a game of guessing who the member was. And suddenly they started imitating Nam Dohyon... just like that gif, they kept behaving like that... They were making some weird noises and anyways, just watch the video. Anyone can understand why Nam Dohyon's fans are mad ㅇㅇ(T/N: fans are saying that they were making fun of Nam Dohyun like he was disabled)
But since Lee Jinhyuk is close with his fans, so many of his fans are saying that Nam Dohyon's fans are overreacting;;;; (Peak was also making fun of Nam Dohyun but since he has no fans, nobody is shielding him ㅋㅋㅋ) Lee Jinhyuk's fans are so old too, but why are they acting like chodings? Right now, there are already 2 other posts criticizing Lee Jinhyuk ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Let's just switch the positions and you know that it would've created a controversy if Nam Dohyun imitated Lee Jinhyuk in the same manner too right? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Peak needs to reflect too~~~ I'm disappointed in both of you
+) Both of them apologized
"Hello, this is Peak, I wanted to say that I was really sorry. I want to apologize regarding the issue with Dohyun to him and all the fans. At that time, I just recalled our memories together and remember one of his cutest instances. I am deeply sorry and I hope that you can forgive me."
post response:
original pot: here
1. [+230, -4]
This is not right... it's true that they are at fault
2. [+188, -5]
I'm disappointed in Lee Jinhyuk too but I'm seriously so disappointed in Peak. Just how much our Dohyun trusted you... there are already talks like this in other sites
"There are posts in other sites saying 'was Nam Dohyun always a kid like that?'
There are so many kids asking "was he always this slow and oba?", they are learning about Nam Dohyun for the first time through that video ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ큐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠseriously f*cking annoyed... I'm annoyed by how they imitated him and by the way people talk about him too. I'm so upset"
3. [+172, -12]
They apologized so you'd think that people would tell others to stop bashing these two? Even if they apologized, we can't help but still feel uncomfortable and disgusted ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just who in the world would excitedly make fun of someone and go "ah, I'm sorry~" and expect others to go "ah, I see, ok"? Of course the fans would be upset
4. [+139, -4]
He's our cute and lovely maknae so I'm pretty upset that they are viewing him like this,,
5. [+121, -1]
Nam Dohyon told the physiognomist that he heard bad things about people with lip corners sloping downwards, so he purposely raises his lip corners. He also said that he f*cking got a lot of hate during Under 19 because of his hairstyle so he always tries to have his bangs closed; so I'm worried that if Dohyun sees the video he'll start thinking "am I really like that?".. I know that they already apologized and that this issue is over but I can't help but be upset
TheQoo, DC, Instiz, they all have the same reactions so this issue has blown bigger than I thought ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ Is he gonna apologize officially???
post response:
original post: here
1. [+!23, -5]
Jinhyuk-ah, why did you do that?....
2. [+112, -45]
I think that he just went with the vibe of the situation and made a mistake on the spot... he's not someone who would habitually mock others nor is he someone who has a bad personality so I think that he just made a mistake. It's a relief that he quickly recognized his mistake and apologized. I hope that he's more careful going forward
3. [+109, -51]
Lee Jinhyuk did an Instalive to apologize and said that he contacted Nam Dohyon and apologized to him
4. [+95, -92]
I thought that Lee Jinhyuk would've never be caught in a controversy but he's the same as the rest...
5. [+82, -9]
But really don't think that this is like his personality. I hope that he apologizes quickly and that this controversy gets resolved
During TMI news, he said that having drooping lip corners was bad so he always was conscious afterwards and tried to raise his lip corners...
He lived for a long time overseas so even though the way he speaks or act isn't wrong, he said that he's trying hard to fix himself.
He wasn't doing anything but seeing others making a caricature out of him and him getting f*cking hated makes me so f*cking mad.
(talking about his lip corners)
post response:
original post: here
1. [+117, -3]
People who are downvoting this post ㅋㅋㅋ too obvious
2. [+108, 0]
Dohyonie ㅠㅠI only see you positively ㅠㅠ
3. [+105, -6]
I hope that Dohyonie isn't a search king yet (T/N: I think they mean that he's not on Twitter a lot) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Me too, others told me that since I have drooping lip corners, I have to smiling bigger than others so I tried and improved myself afterwards. Seeing a 16 y.o kid saying this hurts my heart...
4.[+47, 0]
Even so, I'm so thankful that One Its got together on Twitter and fought against the posts bashing Dohyon ㅜㅜLet's purify ourselves with a pretty gif
5. [+45, 0]
Please don't mess with middle schoolers~~~~~~ he already got bashed for ridiculous things during Produce and he debuted now so he should only be having happy days, but he keeps getting into a mess because of his surroundings ㅜㅜYou're the prettiest when you smile Dohyon-ah