
Yoon Min Soo's son Yoon Hoo surprises viewers with how much he's grown


Article: Yoon Hoo, "Height 165 cm" latest updates... "Yoon Min Soo has gotten younger" comments incite laughter

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+237, -4] Time sure flies fast ㅜㅜ feels like yesterday we were watching his shiny eyes eat a bowl of jjapaguri. Now he's this big! ㅠㅠㅜ

2. [+157, -9] Hoo-ya, our baby has grown so big ㅠㅠ he really was just our baby ㅠㅠ grow healthy

3. [+135, -5] He's such an angel, he has an ability to make everyone love him

4. [+13, -2] His face is still the same, it's just his height that grew!

5. [+11, -0] The original nation's son ㅠㅠ no one can beat Yoon Hoo

6. [+8, -1] His hair style is still the same ㅋ

7. [+8, -1] Cute even when he's older ㅋㅋ

8. [+4, -1] Hoo-ya~~♡

9. [+2, -1] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's 14 and taller than me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+2, -1] What??? 165???? Hoo-ya is growing so well >_<


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