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Two shot
I'm not saying that the other members aren't pretty, but they're the ones who are the most acknowledged
original post: here
1. Is Tzuyu shooting the Hunger Games? She's seriously f*cking pretty
2. I thought that the visuals in Twice were Tzuyu Mina and Jungyeon?
3. I think that Tzuyu can be the One Punch by herself if I had to pick one.. They're all pretty, but there's no one crazily pretty like Tzuyu
4. Tzuyu Mina Sanaㅋㅋㅋㅋ And Nayeon is also uniquely pretty, she's refreshing when she smiles
5. For me it's Tzuyu Sana Mina!!
6. Wow that gif of Tzuyu really gave me a heart attack
7. For me it's Tzuyu and Mina.. Mina is so pretty
8. For me it's Nayeon Tzuyu and Minaㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
9. For me it's Tzuyu and Chaeyoung!! But there are so many visuals so I'm proud. Sana is obviously gorgeous too
10. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung for me! Because of her skin tone, I prefer Tzuyu with black hair, but she's pretty no matter what