

It's subway ads promoting plastic surgery

There is one thing that foreigners will be shocked at when taking the subway. In every hallway and in every station, there's a before and after picture of surgery ad. There are a lot of foreigners thinking that Korea really loves plastic surgery because of that

Henry also mentioned on Radio Star "Because of those plastic surgery ads, it looks like we're being encouraged to do plastic surgery"

original post: here

1. Let's be honest, Korea is the country for plastic surgery

2. I just thought they were ads so I didn't think any deeper than that... But this makes me realize that it's because they're making so much money from us that they're able to put out so many ads

3. I seriously get so dumbfounded by people calling double eyelid surgery a "medical procedure" double eyelid surgery is f*cking plastic surgery alright? 

4. Stop it with the ads already, I hate seeing those

5. Seriously I really hate seeing them, but from afar, I can't differentiate them from idols birthday adsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. Wow I've never thought that far, but because of those big plastic surgery ads, they're making a certain image for our country too... I remember being so annoyed because my foreigner friends would always ask me whether I did surgery.. I seriously hate this image of the "plastic surgery country"ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

7. Because of ads like that, there are more and more foreigners thinking that all Koreans did surgery. This is tarnishing our image

8. I hate them tooㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Must they hang them around?

9. Seriously there are way too f*cking much 

10. Me too I hate it. What I hate even more is the fact that I'm so used seeing them everywhere that I don't even see the issue anymore. I feel like the issue starts with those ads with a person after surgery and with comments like "You changed so much~~~"


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