
[teens stories] DO YOU GUYS KNOW NICKI MINAJ???


Her upper and lower body are stuffed and her hips are solid
I thought she was born with it but she got surgery...
This is f*cking interesting
How can you get that with surgery??

F*cking awesome

post response:
original post: here

1. [+121, -1]
Foreigners f*cking love doing their chest and buttsㅇㅇ Kylie and Cardi B too

2. [+90, -1]
Her chest is ok but her butt looks too obviously fake, it looks uncomfortable..

3. [+81, -22]
F*ck... I f*cking want to touch them. I'm not saying this in a horny way like "ha... nuna... let me touch them" but more because they look so f*cking squishy

4. [+69, 0]
I was so shocked when I saw this. How does she sleep? I'm curious. It must be uncomfortable to sleep on her back

5. [+56, 0]
Her boyfriend has been caught with sexually harassing kids

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