1. [+306, -16] Barf; (gudok = subscribe, guto = barf)
2. [+280, -21] Who is this ba$tard?
3. [+238, -15] Ah... too much... so bad... I'm canceling my subscription
4. [+12, -1] Gu to
5. [+12, -0] At least make it fun, what is this;; ugh
6. [+11, -0] What is this... does she not know moderation? My eyeballs are ruined, f*ck...
7. [+9, -2] Excessive
8. [+9, -0] Why is she like this... it's disgusting
9. [+9, -0] Gross
10. [+8, -1] Can Afreeca pr*stitutes please stay on that platform and leave YouTube alone? Why are they dirtying another platform?
1. [+306, -16] Barf; (gudok = subscribe, guto = barf)
2. [+280, -21] Who is this ba$tard?
3. [+238, -15] Ah... too much... so bad... I'm canceling my subscription
4. [+12, -1] Gu to
5. [+12, -0] At least make it fun, what is this;; ugh
6. [+11, -0] What is this... does she not know moderation? My eyeballs are ruined, f*ck...
7. [+9, -2] Excessive
8. [+9, -0] Why is she like this... it's disgusting
9. [+9, -0] Gross
10. [+8, -1] Can Afreeca pr*stitutes please stay on that platform and leave YouTube alone? Why are they dirtying another platform?