
Seungri reported to have lost 1.3 billion won gambling alongside Yang Hyun Suk


Article: 'News Room' "Yang Hyun Suk confirmed in VIP room #11 at American casino... Seungri lost 1.3 billion won"

Source: Sports Chosun via Naver

1. [+3,165, -38] So Yang Hyun Suk has been making his money through unsavory ways with his singers and instead of using that money on caring for his artists, he spent it all on gambling~ No wonder all of their artists have terrible character and attitudes aside from AkMu and Lee Hi.

2. [+2,172, -22] YG really needs to disappear right down to their roots...

3. [+1,240, -11] Seungri too? They're totally blood brothers!

4. [+638, -11] 1.3 billion won is nothing to them ㅋㅋ

5. [+628, -13] They're really doing the most ㅡㅡ

6. [+245, -3] What we can learn from YG and Big Bang is that financial success isn't the only success there is. True success is when you're able to warm the earth with your positive influence, no? I hope more people that are able to find success in our society.

7. [+152, -0] Money that would amount to a lottery winning for most people is nothing more than a night of gambling for them...

8. [+139, -2] I hate that we live in a reality where thugs like them are able to call themselves artists and live a good life...

9. [+126, -1] They commit all these crimes and yet no one puts them away

10. [+102, -1] They took the money earned from taking childrens' allowances and buy up buildings and apartments in Gangnam, go out for illegal gambling trips...


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