Article: IZ*ONE Jang Wonyoung 'bare face shining under the mask'
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+284, -50] Eh..?
2. [+236, -50] Nugu?
3. [+209, -91] How is she this ugly?
4. [+30, -5] Thought
this was Seolhyun ㅋㅋ
5. [+26, -9] It's amazing what women can do with make up ㅡㅡ
6. [+23, -5] I thought it was Seolhyun
7. [+22, -4] Eh~ stop joking around, where's the real Wonyoung?
8. [+19, -4] ㅋㅋ Wow, people are already calling her ugly just because she's looking a little dark here ㅋㅋㅋ why are you all so obsessed with white skinned girls ㅋㅋ
9. [+18, -8] Women are all make up
10. [+17, -4] She has a normal bare face ㅋㅋㅋ go look at any other average woman's bare face, they look like Kim Jedong or Yoo Min Sang ㅋㅋㅋ
11. [+8, -1] She's probably swollen from the flight and all the camera flashes aren't helping either. She's still prettier than all of us so what's the big deal?
12. [+6, -2] Let's put some make up on
5. [+26, -9] It's amazing what women can do with make up ㅡㅡ
6. [+23, -5] I thought it was Seolhyun
7. [+22, -4] Eh~ stop joking around, where's the real Wonyoung?
8. [+19, -4] ㅋㅋ Wow, people are already calling her ugly just because she's looking a little dark here ㅋㅋㅋ why are you all so obsessed with white skinned girls ㅋㅋ
9. [+18, -8] Women are all make up
10. [+17, -4] She has a normal bare face ㅋㅋㅋ go look at any other average woman's bare face, they look like Kim Jedong or Yoo Min Sang ㅋㅋㅋ
11. [+8, -1] She's probably swollen from the flight and all the camera flashes aren't helping either. She's still prettier than all of us so what's the big deal?
12. [+6, -2] Let's put some make up on