

You guys talk a lot about Goo Jungmo, Kim Mingyu and Lee Jinhyuk being eliminated because Lee Eunsang debuted as the X trainee.
If he was in the previous seasons, he would've never made it.

First now, since we know that the ranks of this season were manipulated, I'll tel you why Lee Eunsang became the X (this is not a fact, it's just from my own understanding).

For sure there were kids that CJ didn't want to debut but couldn't drop since their core fans were just too strong. It's also for sure that CJ already decided on their top 11 before the live broadcast.
First, let's suppose that CJ took the previous rankings and the fancam hits as a foundation of determining their core fans and to arrange the debut line-up to match our expectations.

This is the rank for the total accumulated votes. Among the 9 trainees who were eliminated, these 3 were the biggest contestants to be in the top 11. And among these 3, Mingyu is the one with the highest accumulated votes.

The above members marked in blue are the ones who debuted. Meanwhile, Kim Mingyu wasn't able to make it.
As you know, if the 2 Kims and Song Hyungjoon didn't make it, it would've been too oba
I would be even more surprised to see one of these 3 debut as X than Kim Mingyu getting eliminated.

So Kim-Kim-Song aside, there's Nam Dohyun and Lee Eusang. Nam Dohyun's votes difference with Kim Mingyu is a bit big so it's less suspicious if Lee Eunsang won over Kim Mingyu.

To be honest, if we're gonna talk about the ranking, if your pick isn't ranked in top 1~3, I wouldn't really care where he rank among top 4~11.
So that's why they put Lee Eunsang as the X in the end.

Furthermore, there are several reasons as to why they manipulated the votes. But one of the reasons was probably to exaggerate the situation to prevent Kim Mingyu from debuting.

The debut team/eliminated trainees were for sure already decided before the live broadcast. All the top 11 members make sense and the only one they could pick to be X is Lee Eunsang.

post response:
original post: here

1. [+124, -6]
But the thing is Lee Eunsang, Lee Jinhyuk, Kim Mingyu and Goo Jungmo were all expected to be in the debut team and they were almost fixed members. They should know that there's a limit to manipulating the votes. Lee Eunsang could've easily debuted ㅋㅋ

2. [+112, -9]
They cheated in all the ways possible to not make Kim Mingyu debut. Even manipulation needs to have its limits

3. [+107, -10]
Mingyu's votes were f*cking oba. He's not even someone with weak core fans.

4. [+82, -89]
But seriously, if Mingyu debuted, do you really think that he would've been able to pull off 70% of the dancing in the title track? He danced to U Got It with Jinhyuk during his fan meeting and people were saying how he danced well so I went to look it up. He's still as stiff as ever. Mingyu just can't dance; just like someone who's tone-deaf, this guy is body-deaf. His visual would've been daebak in X1 but he would've been cursed for his dancing for the 5 years to come

5. [+59, -1]
Don't go beside the point you fools. It's obvious that they rigged the votes so why are you guys talking about the what-ifs scenarios if Mingyu debuted? It's a fact that the ranks are fake and if Kim Mingyu was a real winner, they he deserved to be in the debut team. He was able to rise in the ranking because of his own charms so why are you guys bashing him based on his skills now? Just cut it down. This is supposed to be a group that's made up 100% of the national producers votes so it's ridiculous to expect us national producers to stay quiet about it

6. [+53, -4]
Kim Mingyu's situation was f*cking oba ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He never dropped out of the top 10 but is top 17 during the finale? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I would've found it a bit more believable if he was in the top 15 but top 17?.... It makes absolutely no f*cking sense that he ranked below Kang Minhee and Song Yuvin

7. [+32, 0]
Every time this kind of post gets written, people just have to bring Kim Mingyu's skills ㅠㅠ No matter what you think about his skills, the fact is that Kim Mingyu's rank makes no sense


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