"Harry Styles, 'Little Mermaid' turns down the Prince's role... finding a replacement"

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1. [+795, -9]
When the Little Mermaid will learn about the human civilization, there's a scene where they eat and where the Prince is teaching her how to eat with utensils. I feel like there would be such a huge controversy because he's a white man and she's a black woman. So maybe that's why he turned it down?
2. [+636, -10]
But don't they have to change the female lead? She just doesn't suit the role
3. [+489, -18]
I think that it would be better if they cast a black man as the male lead too
4. [+370, -3]
I think that it would be hard to cast a white man in the role of Eric. It's just like the best reply says, I don't think that the white male actors want to get involved in a role where it could be potentially racist. They insisted so much to stray away from the original work and have a black woman as the Little Mermaid so I think that it's just right that they cast a black man as the lead too
5. [+295, -4]
If they are unable to cast a male lead, then won't this project go down the drain? Then let's hope that they fail at the casting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+278, -2]
No but they tried to stick to the original when casting for the other princesses but why are they doing this to Ariel?? This just looks like another fairy tale;;
1. [+795, -9]
When the Little Mermaid will learn about the human civilization, there's a scene where they eat and where the Prince is teaching her how to eat with utensils. I feel like there would be such a huge controversy because he's a white man and she's a black woman. So maybe that's why he turned it down?
2. [+636, -10]
But don't they have to change the female lead? She just doesn't suit the role
3. [+489, -18]
I think that it would be better if they cast a black man as the male lead too
4. [+370, -3]
I think that it would be hard to cast a white man in the role of Eric. It's just like the best reply says, I don't think that the white male actors want to get involved in a role where it could be potentially racist. They insisted so much to stray away from the original work and have a black woman as the Little Mermaid so I think that it's just right that they cast a black man as the lead too
5. [+295, -4]
If they are unable to cast a male lead, then won't this project go down the drain? Then let's hope that they fail at the casting ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+278, -2]
No but they tried to stick to the original when casting for the other princesses but why are they doing this to Ariel?? This just looks like another fairy tale;;