Article: Owner of a 10 billion won building is 6 years old? The truth behind 'Kid YouTubers'
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
1. [+812, -22] These are 6 year olds who should be living normal lives, playing with their friends at playgrounds after school and enjoying a snack at home... are these video ideas like 'stealing money from dad to play games' and 'pretending to give birth' really things that 6 year olds are coming up with? Obviously it's the parents forcing them to do it ㅋ
2. [+699, -14] Children don't know how to skip ads ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
3. [+571, -16] No matter how greedy you are, I don't think these parents are sane..
4. [+34, -1] It's unsettling for us but I'm sure the child will grow up to be grateful to the
parents once she grows up. She got to hit jackpot for free.
5. [+32, -10] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Let's be honest, guys, you're not really worried about these kids, right? ㅋㅋㅋ You're just jealous ㅋ Because I bet you this girl is going to grow up grateful to her parents later since she'll be living rich without worries ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+23, -1] I wonder what kids like this grow up to become?
7. [+18, -0] Well if you had the choice between being 6 years old and making 10 billion with less time to play or being 6 years old and playing meaninglessly, which would you pick? Obviously the 10 billion~
8. [+17, -0] These kids are too young to know the consequences of having their identities exposed like this. They're just doing whatever their parents are telling them to. But in the future, will they look back on these videos and feel happy? I don't think any parent can truly do this to their child if they loved them... I just can't imagine it.
9. [+10, -1] Parents who let children mindlessly watch YouTube are also a problem... they'll just hand their kid their cellphone with YouTube open just because they're whining a little...
10. [+7, -2] I'm sure the child will appreciate the parents when they grow up for allowing them to make all this money
5. [+32, -10] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Let's be honest, guys, you're not really worried about these kids, right? ㅋㅋㅋ You're just jealous ㅋ Because I bet you this girl is going to grow up grateful to her parents later since she'll be living rich without worries ㅋㅋㅋ
6. [+23, -1] I wonder what kids like this grow up to become?
7. [+18, -0] Well if you had the choice between being 6 years old and making 10 billion with less time to play or being 6 years old and playing meaninglessly, which would you pick? Obviously the 10 billion~
8. [+17, -0] These kids are too young to know the consequences of having their identities exposed like this. They're just doing whatever their parents are telling them to. But in the future, will they look back on these videos and feel happy? I don't think any parent can truly do this to their child if they loved them... I just can't imagine it.
9. [+10, -1] Parents who let children mindlessly watch YouTube are also a problem... they'll just hand their kid their cellphone with YouTube open just because they're whining a little...
10. [+7, -2] I'm sure the child will appreciate the parents when they grow up for allowing them to make all this money