Starting from me
I'm his first love, he was a motae solo vs he already dated other girls before
post response:
style="text-align: center;">[+1,078][-218]
1. [+1,933, -95]
Black hair or dyed hair
2. [+1,717, -312]
Warm type vs tsundere
3. [+1,490, -484]
Monolids but refreshing eyes vs double eyelids with pretty eyes
4. [+1,107, -47]
Sunflower style (good guy) vs bad boy style
5. [+1,081, -60]
Doesn't smoke vs doesn't drink
6. [+976, -358]
Looks f*cking sexy but acts innocent vs f*cking innocent looking but acts erotic
7. [+803, -655]
Light skin and young looking man vs tan skin and sexy man
8. [+748, -158]
Good at singing vs good at dancing
9. [+607, -395]
Skinny and slim vs large built and muscular
original post: here
1. [+1,933, -95]
Black hair or dyed hair
2. [+1,717, -312]
Warm type vs tsundere
3. [+1,490, -484]
Monolids but refreshing eyes vs double eyelids with pretty eyes
4. [+1,107, -47]
Sunflower style (good guy) vs bad boy style
5. [+1,081, -60]
Doesn't smoke vs doesn't drink
6. [+976, -358]
Looks f*cking sexy but acts innocent vs f*cking innocent looking but acts erotic
7. [+803, -655]
Light skin and young looking man vs tan skin and sexy man
8. [+748, -158]
Good at singing vs good at dancing
9. [+607, -395]
Skinny and slim vs large built and muscular