


This happened in a big mart in the US 
There was this woman who took an ice cream from the freezer
licked the inside and put it back in the freezer
it was later posted on Twitter

The manufacturer went to the store and had to discard all the ice cream
If they weren't able to identify the mart, they would've probably been forced to discard all the ice cream of  that brand from the US

The police was able to find her through the CCTV
she can face charges from 2 years to 20 years of prison
And she can also be charged 10K US dollars

post response:
original post: here
1. [+412, -0]
Shouldn't this become the law here too??

2. [+378, -1]
Up to 20 years in prison for this is solid

3. [+312, -0]
I don't understand, nowadays, we have CCTVs all around the world now, and the US law is so strong, but why are they acting like that?

4. [+98, -0]
Our country have a murderer who killed his ex-girlfriend on probation, yet you have people being jailed over that in the US... What a comparison

5. [+83, -0]
I can understand how big that business is

6. [+60, -0]
We have vinyl covers on all our ice cream hereㅋㅋㅋ  Why is the US like that


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