I acknowledge that he's hardworking but… to be honest, everyone of them is working hard… but they edit it as if Mingyu was especially working harder than others… if they edit him like that, who’s not gonna vote for him? ㅠㅠㅠ for example, if you take someone like Dongbin, he works f*cking hard. But they edit this narrative around Mingyu as if he was the sole person who works harder than others to brainwash people into voting for himㅇㅇㅇ
It’s a fact that Mingyu’s dancing is lacking compared to other trainees so it’s just obvious that he has to work 2x or even 3x harder than others if he wants to debut. But the way they edit this is too exaggerated. There were so many of those “epic narratives” surrounding Mingyu in ep. 9. That all of the Monday to Sunday screen time were cutㅠㅠㅠㅠ also, I like Mingyu so please don’t misunderstand.
post response:
original post: here
1. [+289, -29]
Mingyu is the true PD’s pick. They are turning this into his lifetime show
2. [+247, -22]
There were other trainees who stayed until the end but they showed the episode as if only Kim Mingyu was working hard
3. [+104, -5]
They always show his heroic narratives and the scenes where he’s working hard but his horrible dancing in 7th Sense was almost not broadcast at all. The PD is totally biased for him
4. [+86, -2]
In the Monday to Sunday team, they kept trying to garner the viewers’ sympathy for Mingyu by giving him lots of scenes. But the thing that saddened me the most was that Lee Hyeob was the only one who didn’t have a subway advertisement while the other trainees all got theirs.
5. [+85, -2]
There’s nothing you can bash for Mingyu’s face and his personality is nice so he gives a good impression and I’m not gonna contradict that. But if I’m gonna speak coldly, it’s true that he’s the PD’s pick.. his skills now are fine and he’s doing well but there are so many kids who are never shown because of their lack of screen time and their fans are getting frustrated. Everyone there is desperate and tired. I do worry about Mingyu after seeing ep. 9 but they are only 30 trainees left so I hoped that they could show everyone fairly…..
I have a lot of things I want to say while watching Produce but after seeing the anecdotes for the concept evaluation, I found them interesting so I decided to write this post…
Isn’t the purpose of Produce to debut trainees who are desperate?
The trainees who are truly desperate to debut are those who have not met a good company and who are unable to debut… or trainees whose debuts were in front of their nose but weren’t able to debut no??
Even during Produce S2, I didn’t like the chick trainees.. they didn’t even had the basics down so what do they know about desperation?..
And this time, there are just so many trainees like themㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
If you watch it with a “parental love”, you might like it but this is not the purpose of the program.
I’m not saying that you have to debut those trainees who had the longest training time. I’m talking about those trainees who can’t dance, can’t sing and can’t speak properly. I just don’t see any ounce of desperation from them.
These kind of trainees weren’t not able to debut because they got unlucky or lacked opportunities, they couldn’t debut because they are talentless. They are on the show just to get their one shot to fame…
post response:
original post: here
1. [+440, -14]
It’s like those kids who never studied but went to high school and said that they were desperate to be #1 at school
2. [+355, -12]
These trainees are talentless and thoughtless but are there because their companies told them to go on it. They think that they can become celebrities in an easy way. Then they get on the show, show their hard working side and show how their skills “improved over time” to garner the viewers’ sympathy votes. That’s what I think
3. [+296, -12]
I seriously f*cking agree with youㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+195, -2]
You can only say that you’re “desperate” if you prepared everything to stand on stage with confidence but that you just couldn’t find the right opportunity to do so
5. [+141, -31]
This is exactly the words I want to say to Kim Mingyu. His rank got lowered and it was filled of scenes where he looked passionateㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ