EXO's members telling a fan who's holding up a phone as a LED board that she has a call coming through
'You can hold your phone up back again after picking up the call~'
-If I were that fan, I probably would be overwhelmed by their attention and blackout right awayㅋㅋㅋ The guy in the grey hoodie is Baekhyun, right? I'm in love...
-I wonder if that fan is still alive... If I were her, I probably would've died right away...
-This is so heart-fluttering... And D.O's small laugh in the back is also heart-fluttering. Kyungsoo is seriously my ideal type...
-I'm that one person who falls in love with D.O cute, shy laugh in the back...
-Baekhyun is seriously so kind...
-I bet fans now ask their moms to purposely call them in the middle of the show to gain the idol's attention nowㅋㅋㅋㅋ 'Mom, can you call me now?'
-There's a lot going on in these gifs...ㅠㅠ D.O's smile in the back, I think I might get a heart attack...
-Where can I watch the full video?? It's urgent...
-If I were that fan, I swear I would treat the person who called me to a buffet...
-Do Kyungsoo... His smile melts me...ㅠㅠ