-Does he really have to look this handsome?
-Niel-ah, I've missed you so bad... I love you... I teared up as I watched the live broadcast...
-He still looks as handsome and cute as usualㅠㅠㅠ
-I've missed him so muchㅠㅠ It was short, but a very meaningful time... Thanks for showing us your face, I'm rooting for you...
-Daniel, gain some strengthㅠㅠ It looks like he has lost a lot of weightㅠㅠ
-I love you, I will always be rooting for you...
-Niel-ah, it was the happiest 4 minutes in my lifeㅠㅠ
-Thank you so much for doing a live broadcastㅠㅠ
-He's really handsome...
-He's so precious...