Song Hyungjoon, Kim Yohan, Kim Wooseok
I feel like these 3 will fight for the finale #1 spot
After watching ep. 7, these three are unrivaled when it comes to public recognition + fandom + stage presence (=skills) + screen time.
To be honest, I thought that it would play between Kim Yohan and Kim Wooseok at first but suddenly Song Hyungjoon came #2 which I did not expect at all. It really showed the strength of his fandom!!!
Also, when they are gonna switch the 2 votes rule, Song Hyungjoon will have a higher likelihood to become #1
Currently, the fans are fighting over 2nd-hand vs non-2nd-hand trainees all day long (T/N: "2nd-hand trainees" are those who already debuted - it has bad connotation)
I'm sure that one of these 3 will end up being the final center.... (I won't change my mind)
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇ 2019.06.15 15:36
- Song Hyungjoon would be nice too but I hope that Kim Wooseok is #1 in the finale ㅠ The issue is that the center will remain center for 5 years. I know that Song Hyungjoon is good at dancing but his face is too baby-ish so I don't think that he'll be able to pull off a lot of concepts. I hope that it would be Kim Wooseok ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
- ㅇㅇ 2019.06.15 14:27
middle; width: 24px;">If you watch Hyungjoon's Finesse fancam, his skills are no joke. To be honest he's my one pick but I feel like Kim Wooseok would suit the center better... Also, surprisingly, Jinhyuk really shot up this time so I feel like he has a solid chance too.. Whether the center is Song Hyungjoon or Kim Wooseok, I think that a lot can happen..