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Aladdin (2019)
Jasmine - Naomi Scott
-Jasmine is so f*cking gorgeous...
-Jasmine... I wouldn't mind if they actually name the title after her instead of Aladdinㅋㅋㅋ And I personally think the OSTs play a very important role in Disney movies...
-Princess Jasmine, please marry me...
-I prefer visuals like Emma Watson, but I have to admit that Naomi Scott has an outstanding acting and singing skill. Anyway, I love both of them...
-Who's Belle? She's Hermioneㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I love Beauty and The Beast, but I have to admit that Naomi Scott did a really great job on playing Jasmine.
-Emma Watson's version of Belle is just... The second version of Hermione in my eyes...
-Naomi Scott looks like an actual princess. How is it possible for someone to look that gorgeous? She's the most beautiful celebrity I have ever seen in my life
-Emma Watson is very beautiful, but I don't think Belle was meant to be for her.
-Jasmine is so freaking beautiful. She blows my mind when she sings.
-Jasmine is driving me crazy, she's gorgeous...
-Whoa, so she actually sings the OSTs herself??