

Dosirak = lunchbox

왕따 당하는 딸을 위해 만든 도시락
A mom who prepares the cutest character-dosirak for her daughter everyday who is a victim of bullying

왕따 당하는 딸을 위해 만든 도시락
The mother who saw her elementary student daughter playing alone far from the other kids in the playground.

That day, the mother understood why her daughter was always depressed every time she came back from school.

The mother was trying to find ways to improve her daughter's school life every night and finally thought about making dosirak.

왕따 당하는 딸을 위해 만든 도시락
She thought that if she made characters that kids loved, won't her daughter get more friends?

The mother would wake up at dawn to prepare these character-dosirak and carefully deposit it in her daughter's bag.

The mother's idea was a success. The kids who saw the girl's character-dosirak all came to her and were intrigued by it.

왕따 당하는 딸을 위해 만든 도시락
The daughter came back home saying "the kids want to eat dosirak together with him" and her face was filled with a big smile.

The mother was relieved to see her daughter's smile and started preparing her launch more sincerely.

Thanks to the mother's sincerity, she learned that her daughter made a few friends.

왕따 당하는 딸을 위해 만든 도시락
Candace Ku from Hong Kong shared her dosirak back in August 2016 and gained people's attention.

Right now, Ku posted over 900 dosiraks she made on her SNS.

post response:
original post: here

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.02 23:24 신고하기
Wow seriously, I feel like unless someone truly loves someone, they won't do this... to wake up early every day and cut these eyes nose and lips into small pieces and sticking them on is such hard work 

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.03 00:30 신고하기
I think that it would be better if the mom went to buy these dosirak instead... a mom's loveㅠㅠ

style="color: #cfcfcf; padding: 0px 5px;">|2019.05.02 21:48 신고하기
I'm crying..

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.03 01:29 신고하기
So jealous~ when I was young, we used to move every year and I go bullied on my 3rd year of middle school. When I told my parents that I didn't want to go to school, my dad kept on slapping me and told me that because I looked and was the way I was, that's the reason why I was getting bullied.. Even now that I"m 26, I can't forget these words...

ㅇㅇ |2019.05.03 09:56 신고하기
Kids, please please don't bully others ㅠㅠ our son used to have a lot of friends when he was in 2nd grade of elementary school but he became a victim of bully because of one bad kid, and other kids even started hitting him. It was hard for the whole family... the parents of these kids said that they were just joking between. I held back until I went to confront them. My son doesn't get bullied anymore and he's doing fine with new friends. But the shock was so big within the family that it remained a trauma. Please, if you don't like someone, just don't talk to them. Don't bully others...


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