Police said they have never contacted Park Yoochun's company.
They also revealed that Hwang Hana never told them the identity of Celebrity A, therefore they couldn't confirm who it is.
-What the heck is going on...
-Hmm...? I read from the news that the company of Celebrity A was contacted by the police, though?
-So which company were they talking about in the other news?? Are they voice phishing...?
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
-Did they get scammed then?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Ok, so this Celebrity A is a whole different person that we don't know of...?
-Why isn't Celebrity A exposed yet...
-That means Park Yoochun is not Celebrity A...
-Did the police lie...? We can't even trust the police as well now...
-What is going on?? The news are stating different things. I don't know what to trust...
-I can't trust the police now...
-This is so confusing...
-I think Celebrity A is a really top celebrity...
-SBS News state that Celebrity A has been confirmed as a suspect, though?
-Something's not clicking...
-I heard he was already booked as a supect, though...? Why do the police keep changing their words?