Hwasa becomes the muse for RAREKIND for her powerful and outstanding aura
I can't stop watching this video over and over again..ㅋㅋCOLORED— DAZED KOREA 데이즈드 코리아 (@DazedKorea) April 1, 2019
파워풀하고 독보적인 오라로 레어카인드의 뮤즈가 된 화사. 그녀의 진짜 色.
더 많은 화보와 기사는 <데이즈드> 4월호에서 만나볼 수 있습니다.
Check out more of our editorials and articles in DAZED KOREA April print issue. pic.twitter.com/d6Zw1gOHm1
She looks amazing with red lipstick.. Look at her aura
text-align: center;">RAREKIND's reps explains, "Hwasa becomes the muse for RAREKIND because her ability to pull off the brand's image and also her outstanding skills and powerful charms"
-She's really beautifulㅠㅠ
-She suits red lipstick really wellㄷㄷ
-Unnie, I think I just got a heart attack.
-She really does suit the nickname 'Queen Hwasa'..
-She has been receiving a lot of CF and advertisements offer... She's the trend..
-She really does look like Queen in the last picture..
-She really does have an outstanding aura..
-Queen Hwasa..
-She's the Queen..ㅠㅠ Hyejin-ah..ㅠㅠ
-I love Hwasa so much..
-She's really charming..
-Unnie, you're truly the best..
-RAREKIND's products are the best lip products I have ever used in my life..ㅠㅠ I just want to let you all know..
-Whoa.. You can have me, I'm all yours..ㅠㅠ