Jonghyun - Happy Birthday
-She has a really great voice...
-Hul, she's a great singer... It runs in the family...
-I'm tearing up right now...ㅠㅠㅠ Happy birthday, Jonghyun-ah...ㅠㅠ
-Her voice color sounds similar to Jonghyun's... I guess it's because they're siblings...
-Jonghyun-ah, happy birthday! Anyway, his sister is a really great singer...
-Oh Gosh... I'm crying
so hard that I can't bring myself to finish listening to it...
-Jonghyun-ah, I miss you even more today...
-They give off the same vibes when they sing...ㅠㅠㅠ Happy birthday Jonghyun-ah!
-Our Jjong, happy birthday!!
-I think that's how Jonghyun would've sounded like if he was a woman...
-I feel really emotional right now... Happy birthday, Jonghyun...
-Jonghyun-ah, you're listening to this, aren't you! Happy birthday!!
-Hello Jonghyun! Happy birthday!! You have to know that the weather today is very niceㅎㅎ I love you!
-It's my first time hearing his sister singing, she sounds great... Happy birthday, Jonghyun!
-I tear up just by reading the title... I don't think I can play the video...ㅠㅠㅠ