Article: Hyuna 'average but not average airport fashion'
Source: Newsen via Nate
1. [+707, -14] She must've borrowed E'Dawn's clothes
2. [+704, -43] If this is considered cool, then I'll give up on fashion... This looks really bad on her
3. [+562, -17] Looks like how my grandfather looks when he goes trail hiking, especially the shape of her legs... ㅎㅎ
4. [+23, -0] Enough with the body tattoos, she needs to tattoo some eyebrows on herself
5. [+19, -2] What in the... I thought she was an American grandma for a second;;;;
6. [+18, -2] Is this a concept? To dress as tacky as possible??
7. [+16, -0] Where does she even find these hobo clothes?
8. [+12, -0] I clicked out of the article because the outfit was so terrible that I couldn't bear to look at it for a second longer but came back to read the comments
9. [+11, -1] It's like she wants people to know that she's different and unique from everyone else..
10. [+11, -0] Female E'Dawn..