They even went on a prosecutor and police tour. They don't even have influence in the music industry but over all our society. (T/N: OP is sarcastic)
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2019.04.24 14:21
- That's not even a line that idols can't cross over, but a line that any civilians can't cross over...
- ㅇㅇ 2019.04.24 18:17
- Snuff films, blood transfusion, underage prostitution, hysterectomy, what do you guys think when you read these words?? They are shocking right?? It makes me wonder if what I'm seeing is really reality.. But if you look at the top searches in Naver or on Naver news' main page, you can't find anything... I was at least expecting to read an article about the blood transfusion but there was just nothing.... what good is left to our generation nowadays?... we have to stay on our guards every single day.. if the media doesn't talk about it, we need to be the ones to let people know about it... Please help me spread this to as many people as possible... we don't need to swear, we don't need to by angry... we just need to tell people... I'm seriously so scared of our society, that's why I'm begging you... I don't care if you accuse me of being a communist or a left wing, or if you criticize me... Even if you swear at me, it's ok. I just want people's attention https://youtu.be/SZJIe9Dw8eM (T/n: news report about the case)
- ㅇㅇ
padding: 0px 5px;">|2019.04.24 21:27
Usually, in a group of 5 people, you always have that 1 f*cker who's a freak. But in Bigbang, you have only 1 who's normalㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ