Scroll down to see the translation of the chats (It's a thread)Another conversation of JJY’s group chat got leaked, exposing that the guys were belittling and disrespecting comfort women— pannatic doing a giveaway! (@pannatic) April 13, 2019
-Whoa, they sound crazy...
-Crazy son of b*tches, go die. I hope you suffer and die.
-These guys are so f*cking disgusting that even trash would tell them to f*ck off...
-These bastards seriously need to die...
-The conversation is very shocking to me, I can't bring myself to read it all... It's crazy...
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-I'm... speechless...
-Are they even human...?
-Is this real? I thought there wouldn't be any more things that could surprise me when it comes to this topic, but this one is beyond my expectations and I'm at loss for words...
-I think I'm gonna throw up...
-That sounds so f*cking sad, gdi..
-Even trash don't deserve to be compared to these guys...
-F*ck you all, go to hell
-The names are already exposed, why are they still using initials here?
-This is too much of f*cking information to me
-I feel sick now