Title: Blackpink Jennie, a perfectly luxurious aura with mature beauty at a peak
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
Title: 'Chic + alluring beauty' Blackpink Jennie, a one of a kind aura
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
1.) [+125][-37] Transformed from baby chick Jen to a chic Jen ㅠㅠ
2.) [+71][-10] Jendeuk's aura is dope
3.) [+67][-15] Pretty bean sprout fairy
4.) [+65][-17] Kim Jennie is pretty!
5.) [+47][-6] Pretty^^
Title: 'Chic + alluring beauty' Blackpink Jennie, a one of a kind aura
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
1.) [+135][-52] Jendeuk looks cute~
2.) [+78][-25] Pretty
3.) [+71][-27] A fancy vibe
4.) [+60][-18] Jendeuk is popping with charisma
5.) [+54][-17] Shining Jendeuk~
Title: "Captivating visual"...Blackpink Jennie, behind the scenes
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
1.) [+149][-33] Wow, she's seriously so pretty...
2.) [+105][-3] Even off stage, she's shining brightly
3.) [+93][-16] Jennie's a freaking beautiful goddess!!
4.) [+91][-23] Definitely a Chanel model!!! Pretty
5.) [+73][-12] She's got a really small and pretty face
Title: Blackpink Jennie, 'an explosion of sensual beauty before going on stage'
Source: Naver
Date posted: March 30, 2019
1.) [+172][-80] Our Jennie is so pretty
2.) [+115][-42] Just a few hours ago, she was baby chick Jen, but now she's so chic
3.) [+82][-45] Jennie&BP ♥️ all the fans around the world are waiting~^^
4.) [+53][-19] She's got a really small face
5.) [+54][-24] Right before she had her stage at the Chanel event~