The reason why you have to treat everyone well in Elementary School
(Yoon Doojoon, Sandeul, Hoya, Xiumin)
Doojoon and the guys,
That's how these 4 are called..
They are well-known for their great affection towards their fans, and also their great personalities
Sandeul: People think I have gone under the knife..
-Yoon Doojoon
and Xiumin look like the same person in the year book picturesㅋㅋㅋㅋ So cute..
-It's been a long time since I saw Doojoonists!
-Whoa.. I bet a lot of people misunderstand them of having plastic surgery..
-They sure do have really bad eyesights..
-I have no problem with the post but the title.. How do looks have anything to do with personality..?
-Junghwan is seriously so cute..
-They all look adorable and cute.. But I don't think appearance has something to do with personality..
-Sandeul's glasses..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-The four of them are clean from scandals..
-Xiumin is such a perfect man..
-Sandeul's glasses, they really do magic..ㅋㅋ
-Sandeul is seriously hilarious..
-I thought the four men in the first picture were the same person..???
-Sandeul, he will forever be my Oppa..
-The magic that glasses do..ㅋㅋ My boyfriend uses glasses too, he looks really different with them on and off. So I just bought him contact lenses..
-Long life, Doojoonists!