I know that I'm not in the position to tell them anything but if the adult's mind was truly developed, would you think that he/she would actually date a minor..? Seriously, I always see '05-liners dating people in their mid-20's and I seriously find it pathetic..... My friend is a '03-liner and she's dating a guy in his 20's too... I can't say anything about it but I find that it's such a loss for her

post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.12 00:36
- Ah but what do you guys think about a 19 y.o dating a 21 y.o? Let's vote. If it's ok, vote up, if not, vote down
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.11 12:52
- ????? If she's a '05-liner, than she would be 15 and she's dating a guy in his mid-20's????? F*ck, I don't get it. Is the adult in his right mind??
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.11 20:26
- They've got thousands of people in their 20's around them so why would they go for minors? give it a thought, kidsㅠㅠ
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.12 01:26
- Kids, I'm an adult woman and I think that men who drool over minors are 100% losers. If they aren't losers, then they have mental issues. They basically have no manners. If they fall in love with a minor, they should wait for them to become adultsㅋㅋㅋ I'll acknowledge these guys