Plot: Kim Hye-Ja (Han Ji-Min) hopes to become an announcer. She is honest and has a positive personality, but she suddenly becomes a 70-year-old woman. 70-year-old Kim Hye-Ja (Kim Hye-Ja) gains the special ability to manipulate time. Lee Joon-Ha (Nam Joo-Hyuk) wants to become a reporter. He has worked hard to achieve his dream, but he now lives his life hopelessly. He gets involved with Kim Hye-Ja.
Cr: Asianwiki
original post: here
1. [+1,427, -81]
Isn't God-Jimin way too pretty?ㅠ
2. [+870, -97]
Han Jimin is too pretty and Nam Joohyuk is freaking handsome, they match well
3. [+814, -56]
The aura feels like a movie and it makes me warm. I like it a lot. Han Jimin is too pretty and Nam Joohyuk's acting has improved a lot. Good good
4. [+543, -80]
Nam Joohyuk is seriously freaking handsome... His chemistry with Han Jimin is so niceㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
5. [+373, -39]
Wow such a fun dramaㅠ Mondays and Tuesdays will go to this drama!