I'm the same age with Jisung, and I'm quite sure SM wouldn't add any other members younger than him but...
If they ever add new members to Dream, I hope they would add '06 or '07 liner..
I'd rather have them that young so that I won't feel guilty stanning them^^
-NCTzens' parenting diary..
-No.. This grandma would cry if they ever do..
-What if they call us 'Aunty' instead of 'Noona' in the fansigns..??
-There were people born in 2007..?
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
-'07 liner, Oh My God.. I'm a '97liner, Oh My God..
-You must be crazy.. I entered primary school in 2007..
-07..?? Wow, I have never stanned anyone who has 10 years of age gap with me.. I'm trembling..
-Do you mean class of '07..?^^
-Well, '07liners are 13 years old now. There's a huge possibility that SM would add them to SM Rookies by now..
-What kind of bullshit is that, OP-ya..
-If they really add '07liners into the group then NCTzens would be babysitters.. We all probably would bawl our eyes out when they turn 20 later..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I somehow feel like I have to give them allowance money..
-There were people born in 2007 too, I guess.. I was really fascinated when I heard Jisung was born in 2002, you know..
-11 years old younger than me, wow..