Yoon Jisung invited Kim Jaehwan as a guest for his fanmeeting
But the fans were shouting at Jaehwan to get out
If you listened to the video you would even hear them shout "Get out!"

"He (Jaehwan) looked at me and looked so salty and coldㅋㅋㅋ Because the people around me were all Babals, we all groaned togetherㅋㅋㅋㅋ We shouted "Get out ASAP!"ㅋ
I said it directly like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "Get out ASAP"ㅋㅋㅋㅋBeside I also said "you were already the first guest, you're coming again?" In case he was thinking of coming again tomorrow too?"

I will clarify this bullsh*t (t/n: this part contains no pronouns, so we're not sure who is talking to who, there might be mistakes)
1. People were taking pictures of Jaehwan and they were complaining asking why they were taking pictures of Jaehwan
2. When they saw Jaehwan appear, a wave of people started gathering and they asked "Did everyone come here to see Kim Jaehwan?"
3. They said "Why did you come? We only came here to see Jisung"
4. They were complaining about why they were only asking questions to Jaehwan
5. They commented saying stuff like "That f*cker"
6. They told Jaehwan to get out ASAP
7. When he left they said "Bye bye~~ Don't come back~~~"

#YoonJisung_Apologize and #YoonJisung_Fanmeeting as well as #YoonJisung
This is the video taken on the 23rd during Yoon Jisung's fanmeeting, those are Yoon Jisung's fans using violent language against Jaehwan.
They were saying stuff like "Get out" and "GTFO" etc. A great proportion of fans were caught insulting Jaehwan on the video
But the fans were shouting at Jaehwan to get out
If you listened to the video you would even hear them shout "Get out!"
"He (Jaehwan) looked at me and looked so salty and coldㅋㅋㅋ Because the people around me were all Babals, we all groaned togetherㅋㅋㅋㅋ We shouted "Get out ASAP!"ㅋ
I said it directly like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ "Get out ASAP"ㅋㅋㅋㅋBeside I also said "you were already the first guest, you're coming again?" In case he was thinking of coming again tomorrow too?"
I will clarify this bullsh*t (t/n: this part contains no pronouns, so we're not sure who is talking to who, there might be mistakes)
1. People were taking pictures of Jaehwan and they were complaining asking why they were taking pictures of Jaehwan
2. When they saw Jaehwan appear, a wave of people started gathering and they asked "Did everyone come here to see Kim Jaehwan?"
3. They said "Why did you come? We only came here to see Jisung"
4. They were complaining about why they were only asking questions to Jaehwan
5. They commented saying stuff like "That f*cker"
6. They told Jaehwan to get out ASAP
7. When he left they said "Bye bye~~ Don't come back~~~"
#YoonJisung_Apologize and #YoonJisung_Fanmeeting as well as #YoonJisung
This is the video taken on the 23rd during Yoon Jisung's fanmeeting, those are Yoon Jisung's fans using violent language against Jaehwan.
They were saying stuff like "Get out" and "GTFO" etc. A great proportion of fans were caught insulting Jaehwan on the video
#윤지성팬_사과해 #윤지성팬미팅 #윤지성— 광동제주씹다수 (@gdjeju10dasu) February 23, 2019
2월 23일 윤지성 씨 팬미팅에서 있었던 게스트분을 향한 윤지성팬덤의 폭언 영상입니다
이외에도 나가라 꺼져라 등 다수의 팬분들께서 모욕적인 언사를 행했다는 동영상이 있습니다(서치하면 나옴)
원본은 @ini0807101 해당 계정주의 것이나 트윗이 삭제되어 pic.twitter.com/n9mim8HsEa
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.24 01:21
- Imagine the self-esteem they must have to feel jealous towards a guest ㅋㅋ
float: left;">추천365
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.24 01:42
- No but I'm curious, why do they hate Kim Jaehwan that much? Kim Jaehwan was the one who always consoled Jisung whenever he was getting sworn at. And when they were seen out together, the fans always swear at Jaehwan for being associated with Jisung. He got so much harassment, but still they stayed together. Imagine them seeing the comments about the fans telling him to get out and calling him a f*cker....ㅎ This is just sad
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.24 03:18
- What I'm most shocked about is the fact that he said himself that he didn't get there because of his skills and that he doesn't have a lot of luck. But you didn't even practice and and you wore that heart heart pierced T-shirt for the ALS event, at that time, I was really dumbfounded. But in the interview, you said that you decided this on your own? Were you the one who donated? Wanna One did? And because of you I can't even watch La Dolce Vita. You didn't even practice during Ok Wanna One and when Jinyoungie came with his camera, that was the only time you decided to pretend you were practicing? Fine, I can acknowledge the fact that you are really passionate about making people laugh, but I'm really curious about whether you really practice to go on stage? You say you come back the latest in the dorm, but how come you're still the worst on stage? If you really practiced, how can you still look like that? Please stop saying stuff like you're unlucky, you should be grateful that you were chosen over kids who were actually talented.
- ㅇㅇ 2019.02.24 01:26
- Wow is this seriously the truth? Kim Jaehwan is my bias but.... This is making me so mad?? I thought that it was such a good thing for him to guest on Jisung's fanmeeting as soon as he was back from London.. Why is he receiving this type of treatment? Isn't this just a lack of manners no matter how you see it? That's why he posted that thing on the fancafe. Kim Jaehwan really got hurt. I wasn't there but I feel hurt for him ㅠㅠ