Pann: American controversy like tangsooyook sauce
1. [+279, -7] You have to put the cereal first to fit the maximum capacity of the bowl.
2. [+127, -4] Of course it's cereal first. Depending on the amount of the cereal, I can adjust the milk.
class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">3. [+117, -134] Milk first.
4. [+44, -4] Cereal is still tasty without milk...
5. [+31, -2] You have to put the cereal first to eat more. If you put milk first, the cereal doesn't go in because of the milk.
6. [+24, -3] Of course it's cereal first.
7. [+19, -2] If you put milk first, the cereal is gonna end up floating on the milk.
8. [+16, -0] Isn't it cereal first?
9. [+11, -3] You have to put the milk first to enjoy the crispy feeling of the cereal until the end. You can just keep refilling the cereal!
10. [+10, -4] Isn't it obviously putting the cereal first and then adjusting the milk based on the amount of the cereal? How is this even a controversy?