may contain spoilers, read at your own risk!
[The actress whose acting skills would never be questioned anymore]
Lee Taeran as Lee Sue Im
-Her acting sent chills down my spine today..
-She's a really great actor..
-I cried so freaking hard..
-My heart breaks just to look at her..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Lee Sue Im, don't cry..ㅠㅠㅠ Let's get Woojoo out of the jail..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-I literally bursted out into tears when she started crying..ㅠㅠㅠ
-Shining-Taeran, God-Sue Im..ㅠㅠ
-I cried so f*cking hard when she said she felt sorry that Woojoo has a stepmother like her..
-I cried along with her too..ㅠㅠ She cries a lot lately..ㅠㅠ
-God-Sue Im..ㅠㅠ Woojoo did nothing wrong, let's get him out of the jail..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
-I totally realized how a great actress she is today..ㅠㅠ I literally cried at that scene..
-I also cried when she visited Woojoo and asked whether if he had eaten yet..
-Seriously.. Both her and Hwang Chiyoung really do look like a real parents..ㅠㅠ
[The cause of all problems in SKY Castle]
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He's busy blaming others again today..
-He's the one to blame for not using condoms and yet he's blaming it all on his mother..
-I really want to smash his head when he started crying..
-Does his mom really have to tell him how to put on a condom?!
-I seriously hate him the most..
-F*ck.. He's such a big loser, and that's because he's a great actor..
-He really does look like a kid when he cries in front of his mother.. I somehow feel bad for him at that scene..
-It's because his mother raised him that way..
-He's such a loser..ㅋㅋㅋ I can't believe he still continues to blame other people at that situation..
-Whoa.. But he's so f*cking handsome..
-This proves that a parent's greed could mess their kid's life..
-I hate his mother the most..
-This idiot.. He's over 40 and yet he still blames his mother for everything..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I skipped his scene because I really hate seeing him blaming his mother and whined like a baby..
[The actress from SKY Castle who everyone hopes to keep it moderate with her role]
She really looks spiteful today..
-She deserves the Daesang..
-Yeom Jung Ah, the daesang is yours..
-She just looks like Han Seojin a.k.a Kwak Mihyang to me..
-She's a freaking great actress..
-I really hate her;; I used to root for her, but I quit now..
-Mihyang needs to go to hell while Yeom Jung Ah needs to get the daesang..
-She really needs to go to hell, what a trash.. But at some point, I can totally understand her feelings.. Her acting skill is really convincing..
-Why is she so freaking good at acting..?ㅋㅋㅋ You need to keep it moderate, Kwak Mihyang..
-I'm sure she's going to get the daesang..
-She's really cruel but at some point, I can totally understand how she feels..
-Now, this is what you call actress..
-She's really good at acting that I'm so close to hate the actual actress..ㅋㅋㅋ
-My heart aches when she says, 'Ye Seo-ya.. Mom can't give up your life'..ㅠㅠㅠ