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-Who is this..? He looks really cool..
ㄴYoungK from Day6!
-Oh Gosh.. I'm so close to stanning Day6 these days..
-Kang Younghyun.. Is the best..
-He's totally my ideal type...
-Hul.. I just found out that Kang Younghyun and YoungK is the same person...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Is there anything that he can't do..?ㅠㅠㅠ He's seriously so cool..
-Let's shout his name together.. God-YoungK!!!!
-One of my friend goes to Dongguk University, and she once told me that she saw a really good-looking student in her campus. She said that he looks like a singer, and his looks are heart-fluttering. Turns out that she was talking about YoungK from Day6..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-I go crazy whenever I see YoungK these days.. I mean, how could someone have such beautiful smile like that..?
-Kang Younghyun..ㅠㅠㅠ My heart beats really fast whenever I see you..
-Huk.. I saw him once last semester. We were in the same class and he looked really outstanding. He still managed to look handsome even when he didn't dress up..
-He already graduated, right..?