Article: Ryu Jun Yeol, "Still dating Hyeri, we're doing well"
Source: Sports Chosun via Nate
1. [+308, -43] His facial features look a lot cleaner here?
2. [+194, -40] I feel like he's a genuine kind of guy
3. [+147, -30] He gets charming the more you see him... his acting is clean and he seems experienced and sensible. Isn't charm more
important than visuals? Especially for an actor.
4. [+28, -15] Just curious but do people really consider him handsome? He's uglier than anyone I can think of.. I get that he's supposed to be unique like Yoo Hae Jin but people keep calling him handsome so maybe I'm the weird one.
5. [+24, -29] He's not handsome but something about him is just cool!
6. [+21, -9] He came out looking really photogenic in this picture ㅋㅋ
7. [+20, -17] He looks good with Hyeri. I loved the two in 'Reply' so knowing that they're dating in real life makes me want to support them.
8. [+16, -16] Oh, I was wondering if they broke up because we haven't been hearing anything about them but they're doing well!!
9. [+15, -9] The level of his handsomeness changes up and down on every picture
10. [+14, -2] Did they photoshop this picture for him...
4. [+28, -15] Just curious but do people really consider him handsome? He's uglier than anyone I can think of.. I get that he's supposed to be unique like Yoo Hae Jin but people keep calling him handsome so maybe I'm the weird one.
5. [+24, -29] He's not handsome but something about him is just cool!
6. [+21, -9] He came out looking really photogenic in this picture ㅋㅋ
7. [+20, -17] He looks good with Hyeri. I loved the two in 'Reply' so knowing that they're dating in real life makes me want to support them.
8. [+16, -16] Oh, I was wondering if they broke up because we haven't been hearing anything about them but they're doing well!!
9. [+15, -9] The level of his handsomeness changes up and down on every picture
10. [+14, -2] Did they photoshop this picture for him...