Yang Yoseob will go to the Nonsan Training Center on the 24th and will receive military training and will begin his military service in the police department.

"Hello, this is Highlight’s Yoseob.
As you already know, I am enlisting in the military.
I’ll work hard to adapt to my new environment. Thinking about meeting new people and making memories, I’m a little excited, and I’m also a little worried, too.
In order to keep my promise to everyone that I will return a more handsome man, I’ll carry out my duties well, and I’ll sing for you when I return.
The time can be long or short depending on how you see it, but either way, I sincerely hope that it’s full of happiness for you.
In a way, I think this might be something that I’ve needed. Experiencing new things and being thrown into new situations, I think it’ll be an opportunity for me to organize my thoughts and become more mature.
So, I’ll carry out my service with pleasure.
I’ll dream of the day we meet again. Stay healthy."
Cr: Soompi

original post: here
1. [+165, -3]
I believe that he'll come back as a cooler man<3 We will also be fine and become better people so oppa, take care of yourself too!
2. [+77, -2]
Make sure that you don't get hurt or sick and come back as a cool and brave man~ My singer king! Yang Yoseob! Fighting!!! High-B2st, let's go on forever <3
3. [+62, -1]
Take care of your body and come back with a healthy look! Yang Yoseob, fighting<3
4. [+49, -1]
Have a safe enlistment
5. [+48, -1]
He seriously gave us everything, for the next 2 years, I will listen, watch and read your work and wait for you!!!!! You're forever my star, Yang Yoseob <3
6. [+5, 0]
I'm an Inspirit. If Yoseob comes over, I want to see him sing a duet with Sunggyu. I'll wait for the rebirth of Infinite and Highlight!!!
7. [+5, 0]
I'm also enlisting next month ㅠㅜ Have a safe enlistment!