(NB: I changed the title a little bit since it didn't make sense if I translate it to English)
I have a really wide and round face, my jaw is shaped like a square too..ㅋㅋㅋ I'm really jealous of people who has a beautiful face shape..ㅠㅠ
Going under the knife to fix face shape is too dangerous.. I can't change the size of my head..ㅠㅠ
Make up can't cover this..
People with face shape like mine would never look good in selfies, unless if they have large facial features..ㅋㅋㅋ
[+211][-3] Face shape and nose..ㅠㅠㅠ These two are the most crucial aspect and mine look like a mess..
2. [+144][-38] You can cover your face shape with your hair, but there's nothing you can do to cover your nose..
3. [+136][-6] The worst ones: 1. Face shape, 2. Protruded lips, 3. Protruded cheekbones because of bad face shape..
4. [+76][-1] Face shape is really crucial, but the size of head is also very important.. There's nothing you can do to fix it..
5. [+70][-1] No, the most crucial thing would be skin.. I would be really depressed for the whole day if a zit suddenly appears on my face..
6. [+63][-1] It's nose.. If you have a beautiful nose, your eyes will automatically look beautiful too.. But if you have beautiful nose and a pig-nose, you may look pretty in your selfies but not in real life.. And that's me..
7. [+31][-0] F*ck, if only I had a beautiful face shape.. I wouldn't ask for more..ㅠㅠㅠ Should I try losing a lot of weight..?
8. [+30][-0] Having a beautiful face is a blessing..