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Microsoft's response after they saw the video

post response: +5
original post: here
1. Hul... I thought he was going to draw a little chick from the first picture's yellow circle..
2. Wow did Song Mino study arts... I got amazed just from watching this..
3. Wow seriously impressive, a genius
4. Isn't he a golden hand...?
5. Everything I see Song Mino I can't help but he's gifted in drawingㅠㅠㅠㅠ He's too good at drawingㅠㅠㅠ
6. Wow seriously daebak..
7. Daebak he started with a yellow and it became like this?
8. Wow that's talent... I'm jealous
9. As expected you can't win against natural talent..
10. Wow seriously I couldn't even imagine that this would be the outcome