Among all of my friend's mothers, my mom is the youngest..ㅠㅠ
-I was born in 2001. My parents were born in 1964, and my older brother in 1991..
-When I was in 11th grade, there was this kid in my school whose mom was 37 years old...
ㄴHuk.. Does it mean she had your friend when she was 19..?
-I was born in 1998, my mom was born in 1968..
-Not really.. But still could considered as young!
-I was born in 1996 and my brother in 1994. My mom is a '73liner and my dad is a '74 liner!
-My parents had me quite late.. I was born in 1998 and my mom was born in 1959. My sister is turning 40 this yearㅎ
-I was born in 2002,
both of my parents were born in 1983..
-I was born in 1961. My mom in 1961 and my dad in 1963..
-My sister was born in 1992, I was born in 1996. My mom was born in 1969. She got married at a really young age..
-I was born in 1997 and my dad was born in 1959..
-I was born in 2003, my mom was born in 1983. It feels nice because we don't really have a huge age gap! My mom turns 40 when I turn 20~~ We promised to hang out together!
-I was born in 2000 and my mom in 1983. I've never seen any of my friend's mothers who are younger than my mom..
-I was born in 2000, my oldest sister in 1990. My mom was born in 1965.
-(OP) I'm asking this because at the graduation ceremony my friends kept asking me where was my mom and why did only my sister attend the graduation ceremony.. The conclusion is, my mom looks younger than she actually is..