Everyday that I'm browsing the internet, I worry about this so I finally decided to write a post about it.
Recently, I gave birth to a kid who's like an angel to me. I'm just your average mom with a kid.
After giving birth, I've been struggling with postpartum depression.. I'm so exhausted from raising my kid...
My friends recommended me some interesting webtoons to read and I ended up reading Life Terrorist (현생 테러범). In that webtoon, they discuss the topic of 'fangirling'.
For a while, I fangirled over HOT's Kangta so there were a lot of parts in the webtoon that I could relate to ㅎ While reading the webtoon, it was getting late at night and I was thinking whether I should fangirl or not. So I was just randomly browsing on YouTube and found our Bangtan's.
At first, I didn't really care about them but nowadays, whether you go shopping, watch TV, or whatnot, you always hear BTS' songs. After I put my kid to sleep, I would lay next to my kid and would put on my earphones and search up BTS on YT... I do this every day, at dawn. I don't even know when the sun rises and just fangirl for such a long time..ㅎ
After putting my kid to sleep is the only me-time that I get,
so in that time, I fangirl on our lovely Taetae.
No matter the hard times, at dawn, I would just think of our face genius Taehyungie and spend my time like that.
I would endure through the days like that all thanks to our lovely Taehyunie
The people around me think that I'm weird for liking an idol who could be m nephew's age...
They would ask me "how old are you for liking idols?"...
To be honest, my husband also is slowly starting to look at me like a weird person..
Everyone, am I weird?
It's obvious that ahjusshis like girl groups who could my their nephew's age
but when it comes to a mom, do you guys think that it's weird..?
Even though I want to go, it's not like I would follow them to see their at their concerts.
I would like to do tributes and write them fan letters but I'm holding myself back because of the people side-eyeing me... I'm even holding myself back to post Taehyung's pictures on my Facebook just in case someone sees it and judge me..
After child care and getting off work, I would watch BTS' videos and like the videos. But people find me weird even for that.. ㅜ
Am I in the wrong?...
Because of Taetae, I'm able to endure through my days and because I can't even do that nowadays, I've been feeling anxious.. I'm so tired.. I don't even know what to say to my husband...
What should I do..?
I'm writing this with a confused mind.. I'm so upset..
post response:
original post: here
- ㅇㅋ 2018.11.30 12:17
- If you ask on PANN, everyone would just say that you're fine. But seeing how the people around you are pointing it out, you must be very selfish. If your husband liked Twice or Izone, think of how you would feel if your husband said "as expected from our Tzu-vely" or "Wonyoungie is god"
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ㅇㅇ 2018.11.30 12:38
Nothing you can't do. But you also can't said anything if your husband fanboys on girl groups
- ㅇ 2018.11.29 20:08
- I'm not the same age as everyone but seeing this community, a lot of readers are in their 30's and I think that there are lots of readers in their 40's too. When I went to Bangtan's concert in Seoul too, there were so many people in their 30's and 40's. I don't know if it's the case for other groups but Bangtan's fandom is seriously diverse.. so I think that you'd be able to find fans of your age easily on Twitter, in the official fancafe or the likes:) Also age isn't important for fangirlingㅎㅎ