She stays strong and still ranks 1st in her school despite her mom passing away and finding out that Kang Joonsang is her father..
-She's just not your typical girl..
-I don't like her character, though..
-She's just so tough..
-I know right.. She's so strong. Her mom passed away but it doesn't affect her scores..
-I somehow find her really annoying, though..
-She's still young and yet she has a really strong mental. On top of that, she's smart. She's going to success on whatever she chooses to do..
-I like her a lot.. I hope she gets to be happy, our Hyena..<3
-Kang Joonsang's genes are so amazing..
-I like Hyena a lot.. She doesn't act or pretend to be tough, she is tough..
-I can't imagine how I would be if I were in her shoes.. She's amazing..
-I like how she's really witty..ㅋㅋㅋ She can't be fooled..ㅋㅋ
-I somehow don't really like her..ㅠㅠ I don't even know why..ㅠㅠ
-There are some scenes that make her look spiteful, but I hope things will turn out well for her character. This drama is so good..
-She scares me..