Who did his makeup? It's so obvious that he has makeup on with how white his makeup is. Do they even think that he can go around like that?
post response:
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.14 15:26 신고하기
All Wanna One members have weird makeup. Park Jihoon also gets mentioned every day
추천 51
반대 3
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.14 16:33 신고하기
His skin isn't that white so why are they insisting on making it white? Should give him something that suits his skin color
추천 42
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ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.14 01:38 신고하기
It's because of the lighting. I think that it came out like that because of
the flashes
추천 25
반대 14
ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.14 23:17 신고하기
Their company is known for not spending money on them including makeup artists and coordis f*ck. Their own coordi don't even know their skin tones and give them bad styles every day. I was so mad when I saw Bae Jinyoung with blonde hair. I left the fandom
추천 12
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ㅇㅇ | 2018.12.14 19:50 신고하기
Isn't that because of the flash? Even for girl groups, since their faces disappear because of the stage light, their makeup always look exaggerated
추천 5
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